Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Happens When You Clip a Hurdle?

Writer   for the Outside Magazine says, racers clear the hurdles by less than an inch and take the same number of steps in ­every race. The smallest shift in rhythm can lead to disaster.

Hurdler Lolo Jones was the feel-good story of the Beijing Olympics, 
until a tiny mistake cost her a medal—For the record, I think, 
Lolo may have lost her metal, but by her own admission has not lost, 
her virginity. Is this young athlete a winner or what?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Famous Failures can Inspire You, Be Inspiried Today

Sometimes you need to know that you are NOT 
the only one who has hit the wall of failure. Many 
people have walked this road before you and recovered. 
They have risen to succeed because they never quit and neither should you. 
Check This video Out!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who Does God Use to Show His Glory?

Christine Caine "Fools for Christ"

Read these words from the New Testament

New International Version (NIV)
And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. (1 Corinthians 2:2-5)

The author explained that he did not come to them as the hot shot from LA., Denver or New York. But instead he determined to be the man who knew nothing at all. He spoke and served in weakness and even trembling. So, how was he able to be so effective?

How do you do what you do? Are the over confident man or woman that knows it all? Are you the arrogant person that knows so much more than anyone else in the world? One of the most powerful men in the world of the Bible is the Apostle Paul. His posture was to serve in the power of God and not to lean on his own abilities. This my desire. To be the ordinary man willing to surrender his all to God's plan. I desire to be an ordinary person doing extraordinary work for the Awesome God.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Are You Like the Undercover Boss?

Have you gone undercover like the under cover boss? Have you buried your past blunders so deeply that you have almost forgotten just how far you have come? No one likes to dredge up the past but it is extremely important to remember your history. Did you know that what you have learned from those days gone by, can inform your future success?

Are you willing to talk about the bumps in the road, the mistakes and even the failures of the past? It is important not to be afraid of where you have come from. You have learned so much more than you may realize. What you learned can be useful for some one else along their way.

When you get the opportunity to mentor others, you will want to remember that transparency is the key. You have much more to offer others because of your past story. Wise words from the past remind us all that:
Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, 
this grace was given me: Ephesians 3:8a

Monday, March 18, 2013

Steps to Overcoming Failure

      We have all failed at something in our lives. Maybe it was that first relationship with your high school sweetheart. How about that very first job? You messed up big time. Maybe you flunked out of college, because you majored in FUN101. Just about everyone has tasted the pain of failure at sometime in their lives. It hurts and many times it is so devastating that you don't know what to do next. 

      Once you fall down it is hard getting back up. There is so much shame that is associated with not living up to every one's set of standards. This emotion can have a paralyzing effect on the rest of your life. When you failed at something you have to deal with the fact that you've let people down. There were those who expected so much more from you, and look at what you've done?.
      So what do you need to do to overcome the failures of life? Where do you go from here? You have failed, and it may have been years ago but you are not over it yet. It could be as fresh as yesterday and you are staring at the fall out right now. The question is how do you get out of that hole? How do you overcome the mindset that led you to this place?

      There are answers. You can move forward and be an over-comer. Let's worked together to create a plan for setting and reaching your goals. Let's take all of the necessary steps to be the winner you were created to be.