Friday, October 1, 2010


They Are So Precious!


What Are Our Questions?

What’s on our minds? What do we really

think about? Do we wonder about tomorrow?

Are we concerned about the basics of life?

Was there enough food yesterday and will there be

enough for today? Who will pay the rent so we don’t have

to move again. Can we move and get out of here? Who

cares about me?


What Value Will You Place On Us?

Don’t children everywhere have concerns? Do they daydream

and wonder about the next day? Who will reach out to them?

Who will love them with all their might?


Will you value us as gifts from God? Will you pray

for us, laugh with us and tickle us? Will you provide what

we need? How far does your reach extend. How big is your love?

Do you care for those who are here and over there too?


If you love me, pray for me, provide for me and show me God’s way.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

((What Do I Mean To You?))


They Are So Precious!


What Are Our Questions?

What’s on our minds? What do we really

think about? Do we wonder about tomorrow?

Are we concerned about the basics of life?

Was there enough food yesterday and will there be

enough for today? Who will pay the rent so we don’t have

to move again. Can we move and get out of here? Who

cares about me?


What Value Will You Place On Us?

Don’t children everywhere have concerns? Do they daydream

and wonder about the next day? Who will reach out to them?

Who will love them with all their might?


Will you value us as gifts from God? Will you pray

for us, laugh with us and tickle us? Will you provide what

we need? How far does your reach extend. How big is your love?

Do you care for those who are here and over there too?


If you love me, pray for me, provide for me and show me God’s way.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous