What are the Stages of Grief?
There are some very helpful models that have been
developed to assist people in understanding the
bereavement process. Ross and Kessler offer this 5 step
framework to help us understand what is happening in our
lives following the loss of a loved one. The stages are Denial,
Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & David Kessler created the 5
stages of grief to help us to identify what is really going
on in our lives when we lose someone. Death and dying is
such an emotionally messy time of life. We need a handle
to help us manage our time of bereavement. No structure for
the different stages we go through will answer all of the
questions or help with all of our feelings.
When you read these stages know that there is no guaranteed
order for you to follow. Healthy recovery from a painful loss
looks different for different people. The time it takes to move
forward will be different for each of us.
This tool will hopefully help you to get on the other
side of the loss of a loved one. This is only one resource but it can
be an important one. Over time we will look at other tools for healing.
We will explore these stages individually so look forward to the
learning process. Are you ready for the journey?
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