Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tomorrow's Talk - Overcoming Anger

Tomorrow I will do a talk on the topic of winning over your

anger. It has gotten out of control in my life and I suspect

others have had to manage their anger too. Times for me and

my anger emotion have been better than others. Sure I have lost it.

I have regrets from the past.

I will offer some tips on being successful in dealing with this beast.

Take a moment to read this startling story regarding

uncontrolled anger. It will make you wonder. Let me know

what your take is on this whole anger thing. Thanks

Crazy things happen to our sense of judgment when we get angry.

In February 2009, a 27-year-old woman from Fort Pierce, Florida, walked into a McDonald's restaurant and ordered a 10-piece McNuggets meal. You know how it is when you're hungry and you have a taste for something particular. Your imagination starts working and you can almost taste those McNuggets now.

Well, that's when things got really tough for this hungry woman. The person behind the counter took the order and received payment. The McDonald's employee then discovered that they were out of those bite-sized, warm, tasty McNuggets. The employee told the customer that the restaurant had run out of McNuggets, and she would have to get something else from the menu. The customer asked for her money back. The employee said all sales are final, and she could have a larger priced item from the menu if she wanted.

The customer got angry. She wanted McNuggets—not a Big Mac, not a McRib, not a Quarter Pounder. She was angry, this was clearly an emergency, and she knew what to do in an emergency: she took out her cell phone and called 911 to complain. Apparently the 911 workers didn't take her seriously, because the McNuggets-loving woman called 911 three times to get help!

She never got her McNuggets that night, but she did later get a ticket from police for misusing 911.

Anger twists our perspective. It skews our judgment. Anger makes small things big and big things small. When we're angry, having to eat a burger instead of McNuggets is a disaster, and calling 911 is not a big deal.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Friday, April 23, 2010

Time for a Party (Again?) But Who's counting?

Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday dear William
Happy birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Getting ready to celebrate my # 1 son's birthday (William H III).
Sure it's a few days early but He's here (Buffalo), we are here so
let's have a party y'all.

Life is so filled with "Stuff", whenever I get the chance to do something
to make us all smile, I do it! Life is short, full of trouble, and many demands.
My suggestion to you and the whole world take some time to celebrate with
your family, friends and business partners. Laugh, dance, eat and enjoy.
It all goes by so quickly. Don't miss out on all of the fun you could have
had. Do it now!

Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday dear William
Happy birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Blessing of Children

The gift of children is truly from God. The little bundles of joy
are indescribable. Watching them grow up learning how to
walk, talk and relate is nothing short of amazing.

During those forming years we have always been the parent. My wife
and I provided for them, protected them, taught them and prayed
for them. They need us as parents during those growing up years.
We gave that to them because they deserved all of that and more.

Now that they are grown up to be big people it is a much different thing.
Our parenting days are over. We are now living with our young offspring
as their friends, companions and fellow life travelers.

Today is Lauren's 31st birthday. Happy birthday Munchkin. She is our
baby girl and we love her with all of our hearts. Lauren happy birthday
and know that you are our special gift from God sent special delivery.

Thank You God

Love Daddy & Mommy

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous