Monday, December 12, 2011

Personal Development – 7 Tips to Discovering Your Personal Road to Success

When was the first time you actually sat down and thought through your list of strengths, weaknesses and flaws? Without a working knowledge of who you are, you will stunt your personal development. Anyone who is striving to be the best needs to know what they have to offer. Follow these simple 7 tips to discover your personal road to success.
Before you can move forward in this highly competitive society you must have knowledge of all of your resources. Knowing what you do best, what you do least and what you should stay away from will be critical to your success in life. Follow the steps outlined here and see a whole new world of possibilities. Here are 7 personal growth tips to get you started on your pathway to success.
Tip 1 – Start your personal evaluation by doing a life map. Look back as far as you can remember and tell your life story. You may want to use an outline from a book; a title and several chapters may work well. You may want to draw your story in picture form.You may even want to use a picture collage to describe the different stages of your life.
Tip 2 – The next success step is to look at the data from your story and highlight the hard times. Write down key times in your life that were extremely difficult. The lost of a loved one, a failure in a business deal, even relationship issues gone sour would qualify here. There were lessons learned during these times.
Tip 3 – Step three is to write down the times you remember over the years that were high times. Your successful times in school like graduation(s) count here. Your wedding day or even a promotion on your job fits as high time. You will remember many of these times and when you do write them down.
Tip 4 – Next you will want to list the people who have influenced you the most over the years. The heroes of your life are those relatives, friends or other adults who made a positive impact on you. Write them down.
Tip 5 – Now with this life overview you will see the integration of these factors and how they made a difference in your life. This is the correlation phase. Now draw several personal conclusions from your life map information.
Tip 6 – It is helpful to tell your story to a small group of trusted friends. It should take about 30 minutes. Instruct them to ask you questions and to give you feedback on what they’ve heard.
Tip 7 – Now with the help of a coach or counselor you will want to formulate a plan to move forward with your personal development goals based on the new information you have discovered about yourself.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Three fears that keep us from being vulnerable
1. Fear of losing business or being rejected Enter the danger
2. Telling the kind truth
3. Fear of being embarrassed celebrated mistakes
4. Fear of being inferior can't take low
   Second mile service , honoring your client's work
At the summit today in Rochester NY. Bill Hybels challenged me to pray for God's next tough calling. I'm ready for it. Bring it Lord!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just wanted you to know that I now use ping to post updates to my social media accounts. Hopefully this will save me some time and money. You know the old adage, time is money is still true.
So here I go.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Looking Back Can Be Very Helpful Moving Forward

A Personal Development Tool
When we moved to Dallas TX something very exciting
happened. We won a Helicopter ride over the city by entering
a contest on a radio station. We were one of two couples to win
this trip that day . It was great! Flying over the highways, streets and even
the old Texas Stadium was memorable..

What we learned from this thriller ride was the value of getting
the big picture, the overview of the city. This picture firmly in mind
assisted us in navigating the roadways day to day.

To be successful it is very helpful to have a handle on your past.
You must identify the influencers in your past life, the times of struggles
and the most exciting moments of your past. A life Map is a tool I use
to nail these stories down.

In a nutshell, this tool is a creative demonstration of your personal
history which represents your past in an instructive way. After you
do a life map, and share your story you will get feedback that will
seal several key life points for you to build your future on.

Get more information on how to do a Life Map today. Contact Bill Smith
today for more details.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Sunday, March 13, 2011

5 Stages of Grief - Check Them Out


What are the Stages of Grief?


There are some very helpful models that have been

developed to assist people in understanding the

bereavement process. Ross and Kessler offer this 5 step

framework to help us understand what is happening in our

lives following the loss of a loved one. The stages are Denial,

Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.


Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & David Kessler created the 5

stages of grief to help us to identify what is really going

on in our lives when we lose someone. Death and dying is

such an emotionally messy time of life. We need a handle

to help us manage our time of bereavement. No structure for

the different stages we go through will answer all of the

questions or help with all of our feelings.


When you read these stages know that there is no guaranteed

order for you to follow. Healthy recovery from a painful loss

looks different for different people. The time it takes to move

forward will be different for each of us.


This tool will hopefully help you to get on the other

side of the loss of a loved one. This is only one resource but it can

be an important one. Over time we will look at other tools for healing.

We will explore these stages individually so look forward to the

learning process. Are you ready for the journey?

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Thursday, March 10, 2011



Do you need Grief Recovery?


When death comes knocking on your door, your reality
is filled with pain, sorrow and tears. This is just the way it is.

Other emotions crowd their way into our lives as well;
Anger, fear, and grief. It's a weird time of life. Confusion
clouds your minds, and your ability to go has suddenly stopped.

This blog will provide words that will promote healing in your
soul. When you seek recovery from grief you will find it.
The ability to move on with your life after someone as died
will become easier.

Your healing we be a process not an event. There is no silver bullet or
special elixir to cure you of this pain. God will give you comfort
if you are willing to take it.

Stop by from time to time and learn from these words that are
here for you and your family.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. (I Corinthians 16:23)

Check out Bill Smith's new blog today. Click here!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous