Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jesus the Faithful One

The words of this card smacked me upside the head. They
Arrested my attention. Most words are nice and kind.
They say what the author intended. But then there are those
few words that grab your attention like nothing else said that day.

Listen to these words with your heart. Listen deeply and allow them
to direct your steps today.

Every purpose He has made
He purposes to fulfill.
He has the authority to accomplish
All He has spoken.

His power is limitless...
His character changeless...
His love endless

lord have your way in my life today!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Friday, October 29, 2010

Whose in the lead?

The tug of war: The tale of two ideas; Is leadership
inherited at birth or is leadership learned? Which is
the right view? Both? Some people are born leaders.
Others may not know it but leadership can be learned.
How to influence others for the greater good can be acquired.
Yes, you can study, practice and grow your leadership every year.

There is one question. What are you doing to take your
leadership skills to the next level? What are you reading,
who are you listening to? Who do you spend time with
when it's totally your choice?

Ponder these ideas. Oh, by the way John Maxwell's book
"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", is a great read.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Sunday, October 17, 2010


God isn't mad at you. He really wants you to have a relationship
with Him that is alive and rich in blessings. From the very beginning He
started an avalanche of events that opened up the way for us to have
a personal and daily walk with Him...the God of the Universe! Now whatever
we need is there for the taking.

Think about it! The Mighty Creator of our world wants to relate to me in a
real personal way. He wants to talk to me everyday. He has a plan for
my life and He wants for me plug into that plan. God wants nothing but the
best for me.

The concept that God wants to talk to me is a hard one to grasp.
In order for me to have access  to all of the stuff He wants to pour into
my life, He must communicate with me. Well how does that work?

He speaks to us through His Holy Spirit who actually lives inside of
every believer. The Spirit empowers us, teaches us and leads to the pathway
He has for us. He also speaks to us through many different Bible teachers.
Sunday school teachers, radio preachers and teachers, mentors and discipleship
leaders. These men and women all communicate God's truth to us all along the way.

Are you willing to hear what the Lord has to say? He is speaking, listen.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


When you connect with a friend or two or three 
that friendship becomes a bond for life. Maybe even

You remember when you were a kid and you had a friend that
was your bestest of friends. You ate together, laughed together
and even fought together or even each other. But you always
made up and life was good again. It was true friendship. Nothing
could break that bond, nothing at all.

Now, if you were fortunate enough to spend time throughout your
teen years it even got better. More time doing life together just forged
a bond of steel. Oh, there were times when you felt like this friendship
will last forever. Nothing would ever tear us apart.

Then that painful day arrived. You over heard your parents talk
about a move they were planning for your whole family. And that
was the beginning of the end. Your heart sank and you had nothing
else to do but cry. What would ever happen to my friend?

The day of reality finally came and all you could do was cry. Sure you had
to pack your boxes but the tears just flowed like a river. Your mind was
filled with all of the memories of your times together. It was so sweet,
so powerful. Now it is quickly slipping away. What will you do?

One day, thirty years later you make plans for your trip back to your old
neighborhood. The thoughts of your youthful friends begin to flash across your
mind. You wondered about your buddy. Is he as grey as you are now? You haven't
seen him since the last funeral of a mutual friend some 9 years ago. This is a
holiday weekend and you wonder will I see him again? Will I share in that
precious moment once again? I hope so.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Few Flowers to Brighten Her Day

Everyone needs to have the light turned up on their day.
You know what I mean? It gets pretty dark when people act
crazy and say crazy things. You wonder what planet they
came from. So, what they really need is a reality check.
More about that later.

Determine that this silly, unexpected stuff will not define
the rest of your day.

Here comes the day saver.

A bundle of flowers, sent from someone who loves you will
swoop in and brighten up any ones day right? Send, or take your
loved one some sunshine in a small bouquet of flowers and
really turn up the light on a day that is headed toward the
darkness. You will be glad you did and so will they.

Brighten My Day!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Friday, October 1, 2010


They Are So Precious!


What Are Our Questions?

What’s on our minds? What do we really

think about? Do we wonder about tomorrow?

Are we concerned about the basics of life?

Was there enough food yesterday and will there be

enough for today? Who will pay the rent so we don’t have

to move again. Can we move and get out of here? Who

cares about me?


What Value Will You Place On Us?

Don’t children everywhere have concerns? Do they daydream

and wonder about the next day? Who will reach out to them?

Who will love them with all their might?


Will you value us as gifts from God? Will you pray

for us, laugh with us and tickle us? Will you provide what

we need? How far does your reach extend. How big is your love?

Do you care for those who are here and over there too?


If you love me, pray for me, provide for me and show me God’s way.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

((What Do I Mean To You?))


They Are So Precious!


What Are Our Questions?

What’s on our minds? What do we really

think about? Do we wonder about tomorrow?

Are we concerned about the basics of life?

Was there enough food yesterday and will there be

enough for today? Who will pay the rent so we don’t have

to move again. Can we move and get out of here? Who

cares about me?


What Value Will You Place On Us?

Don’t children everywhere have concerns? Do they daydream

and wonder about the next day? Who will reach out to them?

Who will love them with all their might?


Will you value us as gifts from God? Will you pray

for us, laugh with us and tickle us? Will you provide what

we need? How far does your reach extend. How big is your love?

Do you care for those who are here and over there too?


If you love me, pray for me, provide for me and show me God’s way.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Monday, September 6, 2010

Met a FaceBook Friend Face to Face Today

For a long time now I communicated with this dedicated school teacher

from Geneva NY. Her name is Sandy. I met her through Sue, a long time

friend from my Hometown Jamestown NY.

We shared prayer stories via email. When FaceBook began to take off we

would talk about our ministries in our respective cities. Sandy works hard in

her school with her precious little students. She has taught them how to pray for adults.

Sandy even uses prayer coupons placed in her bulletins and newspapers to find

more prayer needs.

I thank God for the people He places in my life. Sandy is an inspiration to me

as she serves the Lord by ministering to her children and teaching them the power

of prayer.  

Thank you Lord for Your Precious Gifts.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Team Ship, there' Nothing Like it!

The Next Five Post (Highlights of the Mission Team)

I will highlight a member of the Zambia Team and let you
all know why they are the best people in the world. I would
serve with them any where in the world anytime.

The first person is my dear wife, friend and life partner Adrian V. Smith.
She is a trooper in all of the sense of the word. She now walks with
a cane but that didn't deter her from the Zambia trip. In fact all she had
to do is wave the cane and she would get VIP treatment at every airport.

Seriously, she loves God and people around her. Her hugs are contagious.
Adrian had her share of fear and uncertainty about some things but she
pushed forward. Her sensitivity towards the hurting was evident. She
shed tears for those who were orphans and considered vulnerable. Adrian
reached out and touched those who were chronically ill because her heart
demanded it.

Every where we went Adrian spread the joy of the Lord. She laughed her way
across Zambia. I thank God that she is my wife and partner. It was a privilege
for me to serve along side of her.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Team Ship, there' Nothing Like it!

The Next Five Post (Highlights of the Mission Team)

I will highlight a member of the Zambia Team and let you
all know why they are the best people in the world. I would
serve with them any where in the world anytime.

The first person is my dear wife, friend and life partner Adrian V. Smith.
She is a trooper in all of the sense of the word. She now walks with
a cane but that didn't deter her from the Zambia trip. In fact all she had
to do is wave the cane and she would get VIP treatment at every airport.

Seriously, she loves God and people around her. Her hugs are contagious.
Adrian had her share of fear and uncertainty about some things but she
pushed forward. Her sensitivity towards the hurting was evident. She
shed tears for those who were orphans and considered vulnerable. Adrian
reached out and touched those who were chronically ill because her heart
demanded it.

Every where we went Adrian spread the joy of the Lord. She laughed her way
across Zambia. I thank God that she is my wife and partner. It was a privilege
for me to serve along side of her. I look forward to the next trip.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Friday, July 23, 2010

Zambia is Wonderful

Just a little word to tell you of the wonder of Lusaka Zambia.
This place is like a magnet. Many people are drawn here to
do many things. We met two women on the plane from Jo'burgh
to Lusaka to help a pastor and church with their work with people
effected with HIV/AIDS. They together raised $12,000.00 for the
pastor to buy 23 arces of land to build an orphanage for children.

These two senior citizens were an inspiration to me as they showed
me a copy of an article written about them. They are busy on this
trip with details regarding their ministry.  They are Australian Baptist
who have a passion to bring the love of Christ to people who are hurting.
Marg and Dawn are drawn to Zambia like a magnet draws metal. They
are a wonder that I wish you could have the opportunity to meet.

Pray that God would use you today that you might be a wonder to
those around you. Make a difference in the lives of others as the
chance presents it's time.

Friday July 23, 2010 - Today we faced pain, eye ball to eye ball.
The lord allowed us to meet some really awesome children today.
The were taught in a large church building with a new roof. It was
a blessing as the older children sang three heart wrenching songs.
They showed us team building exercises that showed how they trusted
one another.

These are just snippets of God's work in Zambia. I have some video
to share at a later time. Please keep praying for us. Please ask God
for wisdom for us.

Pastor Bill and the Zambia Team

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We have arrived to Zambia Safely

Dear Family & Friends,
We arrived at about 1:00 pm today after two days of traveling. All
Went well until we went to pick up our luggage. It wasn't there. Have no fear
The Lord is here. W e are on the way to the airport as I write this
email. Troy has
iPad. The Lord is gracious and His mercy is everlasting. We have met some great
People all along the way. Tell you more later.

Please pass the word to our family members for us.

Thanks for your prayers.

Your Mission Zambia Team

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Monday, July 5, 2010

Are We There Yet?

Are we there yet, relates to the task the Father has given us.
We have been charged to take the gospel of good news to all the
peoples of the earth. We are to start in are hometown, then move
to other parts in our state, after which we fan out to other states
in the US. But that's not all.

We have also been commanded to go to the ends of the earth
with this good news. All the way to what some have called the uttermost
parts of the world. We must go because He told us to. The eternity of
many souls is weighing in the balance. Can the lost depend on you?

We are not there yet! Will you pray, give and go? Will you do what God

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Look at What I Found!

Take Ten, Volume 5

admin | Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 | No Comments »

Ten requests are provided for those willing to go before the Father on behalf of the SEA Peoples Affinity Group.  These ten requests can be read through in about 10 minutes.  So little time but, oh what the Father can do through your interceding can have an amazing impact.  Won’t you join with us and PRAY?

Pray for three Thai men who have, happily, become Followers of Jesus.  Ask that their faith would be proved to be genuine and their temptation to be followers of men would be laid aside.  Ask that their interest in language learning from these men would not be the “main attraction” but instead the Son would be the focus of their affections and intentions.

“I am just so tired of working!  They make me haul 20 feed bags of corn before I can take a break! “Y”, a single mom with only a sixth grade education, has worked since she was 11 years old. Her worries used to consume her, but now things are different, she is beginning to depend on Jesus. She shares stories reflecting the care of the Lord. Pray for “Y” to trust in God’s perfect provision and to learn from Him in prayer and from His Word. Please pray “Y” and her daughter will find true rest in the Son and commit their lives to loving and serving Him.

At the end of this month, students from various locations will arrive, teaching and reaching out to students. Please pray that the labor of these groups will bear much fruit for the kingdom and that these students will come away from their experience with a great hunger to be more involved in God’s purposes for the world. Ask the Father to help with all the logistical details involved in these endeavors.

They have been building a relationship with KB, for the past few months. She now has become a follower of Jesus.  As she shares with her family, the persecution begins.  They said she was crazy. Her father said she must deny Jesus or be beaten.  KB said she wants to stay with Jesus. What would you do?  Ask that her relationship with the Son will flourish in the midst of difficulty.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”  Matthew 5:11-12

Many in the village don’t understand why she would move back to the village since they know she could make a lot more money living elsewhere.  She is the only follower in this Buddhist area.  It is said that no one comes to share the Story in this area because the people have a reputation for being stern and intimidating!  Her greatest desire is to see her family and fellow villagers come to know the Son. Pray that she have many opportunities to share the Story with boldness and clarity.  Pray that she has discernment as a younger family member has heard and believed though now seems to be struggling with many questions. Ask that she that she will be wise in discipling him as he charters new ground as the lone believing boy in his school and village.

“The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.”  Join in asking for…

  • A rattan shop owner and his family to hear the voice of the Father calling them to salvation.
  • A dispirited leader to have his faith be fanned back to life.
  • The efforts of a hard working shepherd as he shares the Story of the Son to bear much fruit.
  • A lone believer to soon have others in her village to fellowship with her.
  • An older farmer to be empowered to shine as light in his village.

Continue to pray for young people who are living in M communities for several weeks making Him known.  The Word is being proclaimed and lives are being changed and as is to be expected, there has been great opposition. They have had great resistance in one area, having their bags searched and some of their things taken in an attempt to scare them away.  Pray for their faith to grow and with it their boldness to share.  Pray that they will have discernment and clearly hear from Him along the way.  Pray for His glory and for a harvest to be seen in this place.

Training with local believers in 2 areas is going well.  Learning to share their testimonies and the good news presentation and then doing it is a great achievement.  Pray that as goals are set to share, training on how to put this into practice, and boldness will result in the Kingdom being expanded in these areas.

A few weeks ago Mr. M and his crew were asked to make a wooden cross as an Easter decoration.  He had been forthright in sharing the Truth with co-workers on the maintenance crew.  Some co-workers ridiculed him, but he was mostly unaffected by the abuse he invited by sharing.  When they finished making the cross, they placed it against the wall and made Mr. M stand in front of it with his hands outstretched as if he were the one being crucified.  They even placed a crown of thorns they had made on his head – all the while giving him a hard time about being a believer.  Mr. Martin says it was then that he started to cry.  As the men saw his tears, they felt bad and said they were sorry they had pushed things too far.  They really hadn’t intended to offend him.  But Mr. Martin immediately said his tears were not because of their mockery.  It was because, by standing as if he were being crucified, he realized how much Jesus had done for him.  Once again, Mr. M had the opportunity to share.  Ask that the Seeds of the Story he has planted will bear the fruit of Salvation.

“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should” (Ephesians 6:19:20, NIV).

A new believer was persecuted today because of her faith. Earlier, when she was persecuted for her beliefs she gave strong testimony about her relationship to Isa. She has not only continued to study the Book, but she is sharing with other people in the community. Her faith is known to her family and to religious leaders. After this recent incident, her faith is likely known throughout her community. Ask that God’s presence will guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Ask that God will use her bold witness and transformed life to bring many people in her village to faith. Ask that God will bring deep conviction of sin and righteousness to those who are persecuting her.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wimbledon update

Watched Venus watch Se Williams beat Saranova
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I watched Venus Williams watch her sister Serena Williams win the spectacular tie breaker against Maria
Sharapova. Serena was powerful!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Zambia Mission Trip the 1st Hurdle

The First Steps are Always Hard, Even in Missions


Our church is sending a mission team to work with IMB Missionaries,

Troy and Tracy Lewis. They live in Zambia South Africa which is along

way from Buffalo New York.


Purchasing the airline tickets for this trip was a serious hassle.
At one point in the process I thought, "We will have to
call it off." I could never imagine in my wildest dreams
having to call a mission trip off. I guess that happens, but it
has never happen to me.

We prayed about it, followed the planning process, we prayed some
more and all of the pieces came together like we figured they would.

Well, this trip was not that easy.


The cost of the plane ride to Zambia was a lot more than we expected.

It seemed that as the days and even hours moved on the price of the tickets

kept increasing. Each website we visited gave us no hope. The prices crept

up to $2789, then the number $3045 flashed on the sites. No matter where

we looked, the cost was out of our reach.


Our minds were made up to pay about $2200.00 per ticket to leave
Buffalo and land in Zambia, some 3 or 4 planes later. Once we had the
money from the team members in hand the cost of the flight all over
the internet had increased another $800. Do you understand what another
$800 means for each person who has already forked over $2200.00?


I talked to David in Dallas, who gave me some advice to call Delta on the

phone but after talking with them they gave me no real options. Marian and my

wife Adrian got on the computer in the main office of our church and went work,

plugging in different dates and places of departure. They worked feverishly with

me on the search to find reasonable airline tickets. We typed and clicked for 4 hours

or more searching for what I called the “internet miracle.”


I guess I was hoping to see a legitimate airline flash some price like $1500 per

ticket with 5 seats left leaving Buffalo to Zambia. Well, we got our answer. It wasn’t

$1500 nor was it $3,000. We were all happy to find the number $2573. So, here’s

what we did. We decided to drive to Detroit and catch a plane along with one of team

members and fly off in the evening skies headed for Frankfurt Germany. We will use

the Man Van (Pastor’s Conversion Van) and pay for long term parking. Thank you

Lord for getting us over this hurdle! Zambia, here we come on July 19th 2010.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All Day and No Cell Phone - Wow!

So, I left my phone at the office last night. Got home and
felt around and it wasn't on my person. Yea,I left it on my
desk as I ran home last night.

Oh well I won't need it tonight because I got to get to bed,
get some rest, get up early, you know the drill.

The next morning, the phone is ringing, but it's in the office and
I am home. There is a failure to communicate, why? The phone
is on my desk. So, guess what? I worked all day away from the
office and still no phone. It wasn't until real late in the afternoon
(about 4:30PM) that I got my hands on my cell phone again.

Yes, there were some texts to answer, and had some calls to
return. But the funny thing was I made it all day long with OUT my
phone. I did it! All day long, no cell phone.

What about tomorrow?

You better believe this; the experiment is over, the phone is
charging as we speak. Spare battery in place and yes, I will NOT
forget my cell phone tomorrow. I'm hooked!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Saturday, June 19, 2010

One Wonderful Day in Syracuse NY!

We drove to Syracuse New York to spend some time with one of
our team members. Her name is Tajuana (Tae). Our Youth team
pulled together the pieces for our recent Youth Retreat themed
a "Faith Worth Sharing." Minnie, Damon and Tae did some
awesome work!

I wanted to celebrate what God did through their efforts but
Tae moved back to Syracuse NY. What were we to do? We jumped
into the 'Man Van' and hit the highway to have lunch with our team
at the Red Lobster in Syracuse NY. It was a great time eating, talking
laughing and reflecting on the goodness of God.

There are many hard times in ministry but the joyful times of fellowship
food and fun keep life in balance. Thank you Lord for a wonderful day with
some wonderful people!

Pastor Bill Smith

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Our Assignment includes GOING!

I hope everyone on the team is looking forward to this trip.
We all have an assignment that includes going. Not just praying,
not just giving but the instructions from God include going.
So, I'm going to Africa with a team July 17-31, 2010.
William H. Smith

Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together

Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together

Going to the Ends of the Earth - Zambia South Africa

The Opportunity of a Lifetime!

Isn’t the Lord good! His name is high above all other names and He is worthy, oh so worthy to be extolled. The Bible tells us to give thanks to Him, and to exalt His Holy name. How can I not worship someone who so great? Oh, Lord, you are worthy, so worthy and I love you.


            There are so many people around the world who do not know the Savior we know so well. They are in darkness and really have no clue about eternal life. God has called us to make Him known among the nations. The Bible says in Psalm 46:10


“Be still, and know that I am God.

I will be exalted among the nations;

I will be exalted in the earth!”


It is God’s desire to be known in all the corners of the earth and it is our assignment to take His good news to the ends of the earth.


            God recently led me to an opportunity of a lifetime. This door opened wide and it is my time to go through it. God has given me a chance to go to the ends of the earth with a short term mission team from Buffalo New York. Our destination is the country of Zambia in Southern Africa. This country is about the size of the state of Texas.


            We have been invited to share in the ministry of International Mission Board missionaries, Troy and Tracy Lewis. Our work will include prayer walking, discipleship development, training and ministry to those affected by HIV and AIDS. Our two weeks in this part of the world will be filled with opportunities to share God’s love. We pray for the chance to share the gospel and see many Zambians come to our Lord.

Pastor Bill Smith

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together

Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together


Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together

Valerie Rives needs Our Help
The last few days or so have been very serious medically for Valerie Rives. She is very sick and needs our prayers and financial help. The other day Valerie went to WCA with some serious issues and her outlook was not very good. The care she needed after her first surgery had to found else where. First she was going to Erie but she finally ended up at the Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh PA where she is now.

It's Time to Pray
Will you pray for her and her family? Tawny has made her way to Pittsburgh I understand to be with her mom and the family is in Jamestown with Krysta and Cameron. Ed is there to assist if needed. My appeal to us all as a family is for us to pray for Valerie's healing. Secondly, that we pray for Tawny & family as they go through this ordeal together.

A Donation for The Family?
I also wonder if you would be willing to support Tawny financially during this trial. She will be running back and forth on the highway, needing finances for the extra expenses which will be incurred. Ed has agreed to be the clearing house for your donations. Checks and money orders can be made out to Him. He will cash them and forward the funds to Tawny quickly. Nothing is too small. Please send any support you can to:

Edward Smith
224 Price Street
Jamestown, NY 14701

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Donate New Sneakers to the Troops in Iraq

Two Local Western New York Churches Partner To Collect New Sneakers

For Wounded Soldiers in the Hospital In Balad, Iraq to Show God’s Love

Buffalo, New York - June 2, 2010 - North Buffalo Community Church (NBCC), SBC has joined the Forestview Church of God of Niagara Falls, New York to answer the request of new footwear for soldiers in Balad, Iraq. To fulfill the request, the two churches are collecting new, affordable sneakers to ship to the wounded men and women in the hospital in Balad, Iraq until June 13, 2010.

Pastor Bill Smith of North Buffalo Community Church said "The soldiers have no comfortable shoes and they need our help." He also stated that "This is another practical way we can support our troops." The two churches are asking for help from their communities. All sneakers, men and women sizes 9-11, are to be dropped off at 350 Kenmore Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14223 between the hours of 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

The goal is for the people of Western New York to pitch in by providing a pair of new sneakers for our troops. Once the collection is finished, the churches will ship the sneakers to be distributed to those in need.

The motto of NBCC is "Sharing God's Love.” The churches regularly pray for the service men and women as they do their job. This initiative is just another way that love will be shown to our armed forces serving overseas.



Minnie L. Maraschiello
Church Secretary
North Buffalo Community Church, SBC

Telephone: 716-833-6598
Fax: 716-833-7007
E-mail: help@nbccwny.org
Web site: http://www.nbccwny.org

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sneakers Drive for Our Troops (Iraq)

Sneaker Drive for Our Soldiers in Iraq
(We are Collecting until Sunday June 13th, 2010)

Have you forgotten the troops who fight everyday to protect us
from the evil in our world? When the media is quiet it seems we
tend to forget about our troops.

How would you like a way to keep the men and women who serve
our country with bravery and valor in the forefront of your mind?

Join the sneaker drive for the wounded in the hospital in Balad, Iraq.
The request has come to our attention and we are ready to make it
happen. Forestview Church of God Niagara Falls, NY has partnered
with North Buffalo Community Church, SBC and & You to collect
footwear for our wounded soldiers in Iraq. The truth is “They have no boots!”
The questions is are you willing to you help? Bring or send new Sneakers
(Men and Women - Sizes 9, 10 & 11) (No Air Jordan’s Please) to:

North Buffalo Community Church - “Sharing God’s Love”
350 Kenmore Ave.
Buffalo, New York 14223
(Office hours are Tues-Fri 10:30-4:30pm)
716-833-6598 for more detail or email help@nbccwny.org

(We are Collecting until Sunday June 13th, 2010)

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sneakers Drive for Our Troops (Iraq) ((tag:sneakers, troops, Iraq, wounded)

Sneaker Drive for Our Soldiers in Iraq
(We are Collecting until Sunday June 13th, 2010)

Have you forgotten the troops who fight everyday to protect us
from the evil in our world? When the media is quiet it seems we
tend to forget about our troops.

How would you like a way to keep the men and women who serve
our country with bravery and valor in the forefront of your mind?

Join the sneaker drive for the wounded in the hospital in Balad, Iraq.
The request has come to our attention and we are ready to make it
happen. Forestview Church of God Niagara Falls, NY has partnered
with North Buffalo Community Church, SBC and & You to collect
footwear for our wounded soldiers in Iraq. The truth is “They have no boots!”
The questions is are you willing to you help? Bring or send new Sneakers
(Men and Women - Sizes 9, 10 & 11) (No Air Jordan’s Please) to:

North Buffalo Community Church - “Sharing God’s Love”
350 Kenmore Ave.
Buffalo, New York 14223
(Office hours are Tues-Fri 10:30-4:30pm)
716-833-6598 for more detail or email help@nbccwny.org

(We are Collecting until Sunday June 13th, 2010)

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Friday, May 7, 2010

What Happens to You When God Speaks?

My Personal Pledge to God

I spent two days in Chicago with some of the most
dedicated men and women in the world. Paula loves
Muslim women and taught us how to reach out to them
with God's Love. June is going to be on a mission board
and she wonders how God will use her. She will find
out soon. Marvin leads a church to reach the world
with the Good news and they are following him.

It was a powerful 2 days. I wondered. I laughed and cried
at the same time. I saw Richard and Karen and thought
about Tanzania and the reason they now live there. I will
pray for them, get others to pray for them. Will Richard
write the book on African Americans' in mission history?

God thanks for this inspiring, rejuvenation time of personal
enrichment. You have captured my heart again. I will be
your servant until the day I breathe my last breath. I give
you my all.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Speaking Engagement in the Windy City

Planning a talk to encourage the audience to take action. The plan is
global and has eternal consequences for everyone. My goal is to point
out five broad themes to keep in mind as these awesome people get busy
on this kingdom work.

The work we are called to do is of the highest urgency.
The oppositon will throw everything they have at us.
The stakes are eternally high no matter how we slice it.
The calling we have leads us away from the crowd.
The clock is ticking so its time to roll up our sleeves and get busy.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tomorrow's Talk - Overcoming Anger

Tomorrow I will do a talk on the topic of winning over your

anger. It has gotten out of control in my life and I suspect

others have had to manage their anger too. Times for me and

my anger emotion have been better than others. Sure I have lost it.

I have regrets from the past.

I will offer some tips on being successful in dealing with this beast.

Take a moment to read this startling story regarding

uncontrolled anger. It will make you wonder. Let me know

what your take is on this whole anger thing. Thanks

Crazy things happen to our sense of judgment when we get angry.

In February 2009, a 27-year-old woman from Fort Pierce, Florida, walked into a McDonald's restaurant and ordered a 10-piece McNuggets meal. You know how it is when you're hungry and you have a taste for something particular. Your imagination starts working and you can almost taste those McNuggets now.

Well, that's when things got really tough for this hungry woman. The person behind the counter took the order and received payment. The McDonald's employee then discovered that they were out of those bite-sized, warm, tasty McNuggets. The employee told the customer that the restaurant had run out of McNuggets, and she would have to get something else from the menu. The customer asked for her money back. The employee said all sales are final, and she could have a larger priced item from the menu if she wanted.

The customer got angry. She wanted McNuggets—not a Big Mac, not a McRib, not a Quarter Pounder. She was angry, this was clearly an emergency, and she knew what to do in an emergency: she took out her cell phone and called 911 to complain. Apparently the 911 workers didn't take her seriously, because the McNuggets-loving woman called 911 three times to get help!

She never got her McNuggets that night, but she did later get a ticket from police for misusing 911.

Anger twists our perspective. It skews our judgment. Anger makes small things big and big things small. When we're angry, having to eat a burger instead of McNuggets is a disaster, and calling 911 is not a big deal.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Friday, April 23, 2010

Time for a Party (Again?) But Who's counting?

Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday dear William
Happy birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Getting ready to celebrate my # 1 son's birthday (William H III).
Sure it's a few days early but He's here (Buffalo), we are here so
let's have a party y'all.

Life is so filled with "Stuff", whenever I get the chance to do something
to make us all smile, I do it! Life is short, full of trouble, and many demands.
My suggestion to you and the whole world take some time to celebrate with
your family, friends and business partners. Laugh, dance, eat and enjoy.
It all goes by so quickly. Don't miss out on all of the fun you could have
had. Do it now!

Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday dear William
Happy birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Blessing of Children

The gift of children is truly from God. The little bundles of joy
are indescribable. Watching them grow up learning how to
walk, talk and relate is nothing short of amazing.

During those forming years we have always been the parent. My wife
and I provided for them, protected them, taught them and prayed
for them. They need us as parents during those growing up years.
We gave that to them because they deserved all of that and more.

Now that they are grown up to be big people it is a much different thing.
Our parenting days are over. We are now living with our young offspring
as their friends, companions and fellow life travelers.

Today is Lauren's 31st birthday. Happy birthday Munchkin. She is our
baby girl and we love her with all of our hearts. Lauren happy birthday
and know that you are our special gift from God sent special delivery.

Thank You God

Love Daddy & Mommy

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Surprise Worth the Effort

My uncle, my son and I drove 72 miles to surprise Mom (my mother) at her daycare program. She was pleasantly surprised and proud to introduce us around. We had lunch on the house, took pictures, hugged and kissed. A wonderful afternoon in Jamestown NY.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Appreciate the Volunteers in Your Life ((Volunteers, rock, celebrate))

April is "Celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Month"

I want to take the time to say how much I appreciate all
the volunteers in my life this month. You are awesome people!
I work for organizations that have been fueled by the selfless
work of men, women and young adults like you. You Rock!

Thank you for everything you do to make the mission of our
organization become a reality. Your attention to detail is
powerful. Your thoughtfulness toward your co-workers has
not gone unnoticed. Your creative energy drives the ideas for
change and innovation around our organization. Again, thank you.

I thank God for all of the people who have modeled true dedication
and love for mankind. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart!
Volunteers are God's gift to the future of our organization.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who Wants Bold New Ideas All the Time?

                                                     Get Outside of the BOX now!


Reggie Grant, a former Dallas Seminary professor of mine is

an author, actor great speaker and an accomplished public

dramatic reader. He is also very creative man in general.


One day as I was thinking through a five day series of talks

He sat me down and asked a series of questions. What color

do you see as you imagine this series of talks? What type of

music is playing in your head? What do you smell as you think

about your theme? He forced me to think

outside of the box.


He was also simultaneously drawing circles,

and attaching lines to more circles. All of a sudden

I saw new relationships and new ideas emerging before

my eyes. I saw a map emanating from my original starting point.

What Reggie introduced me to that day many years ago was

a very cool thinking tool called mind mapping. Today I use

this tool for creating my ideas for sermons,presentations concepts

and themes. I use it to literally brainstorm my way

out of the normal, the usual and find my new edge of thinking.


What I needed was something to help me break out of the humdrum,

mundane fenced in, stale, boring ideas. I wanted something fresh,

inspired, something new and exciting. This process helps me to get there every week.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Looking for Bold Fresh New Ideas All the Time?

Reggie Grant, a former Dallas Seminary professor of mine is an author, actor
great speaker and an accomplished public dramatic reader.
He is also very creative man in general.


One day as I was thinking through a five day series of talks

He sat me down and asked a series of questions. What color do you

see as you imagine this series of talks? What type of music is playing in your head?

What do you smell as you think about your theme? He forced me to think

outside of the box.


He was also simultaneously drawing circles, and attaching lines

to more circles. All of a sudden I saw new relationships and new ideas emerging

before my eyes. I saw a map emanating from my original starting point.

What Reggie introduced me to that day many years ago was a very cool
thinking tool called mind mapping. Today I use this tool for creating my ideas for sermons, presentations concepts and themes. I use it to literally brainstorm my way

out of the normal, the usual and find my new edge of thinking.


What I needed was something to help me break out of the humdrum, mundane
fenced in, stale, boring ideas. I wanted something fresh, inspired, something
new and exciting. This process helps me to get there every week.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grow Your Leadership Skills on Purpose

As an investment in myself & future each month I attend

a Lead Group and yearly I attend the

Global Leadership Summit willowcreek.com/summit

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Want to Learn the Fundamentals of Social Networking?

This link is to a training on how to use social
networking in ministry. The information can be
used for any application. This is compliments
of Bobby Gilstrap from Michigan. Here is the link:

This workshop is well worth your time investment. If
you want more info from the presenter here is his url:


Bill Smith

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Just Started a Posterous Account

Hey Friends, one account and some set up
hoops and I can post to my blogger, twitter and
facebook accounts all at the same time. One post
and three updates. Well we will see how this
all happens in a New York minute.

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous