Saturday, June 19, 2010

One Wonderful Day in Syracuse NY!

We drove to Syracuse New York to spend some time with one of
our team members. Her name is Tajuana (Tae). Our Youth team
pulled together the pieces for our recent Youth Retreat themed
a "Faith Worth Sharing." Minnie, Damon and Tae did some
awesome work!

I wanted to celebrate what God did through their efforts but
Tae moved back to Syracuse NY. What were we to do? We jumped
into the 'Man Van' and hit the highway to have lunch with our team
at the Red Lobster in Syracuse NY. It was a great time eating, talking
laughing and reflecting on the goodness of God.

There are many hard times in ministry but the joyful times of fellowship
food and fun keep life in balance. Thank you Lord for a wonderful day with
some wonderful people!

Pastor Bill Smith

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous

Our Assignment includes GOING!

I hope everyone on the team is looking forward to this trip.
We all have an assignment that includes going. Not just praying,
not just giving but the instructions from God include going.
So, I'm going to Africa with a team July 17-31, 2010.
William H. Smith

Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together

Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Self Improvement Advice and Tips: Time for the Porter-Blair Family to Band Together

Going to the Ends of the Earth - Zambia South Africa

The Opportunity of a Lifetime!

Isn’t the Lord good! His name is high above all other names and He is worthy, oh so worthy to be extolled. The Bible tells us to give thanks to Him, and to exalt His Holy name. How can I not worship someone who so great? Oh, Lord, you are worthy, so worthy and I love you.


            There are so many people around the world who do not know the Savior we know so well. They are in darkness and really have no clue about eternal life. God has called us to make Him known among the nations. The Bible says in Psalm 46:10


“Be still, and know that I am God.

I will be exalted among the nations;

I will be exalted in the earth!”


It is God’s desire to be known in all the corners of the earth and it is our assignment to take His good news to the ends of the earth.


            God recently led me to an opportunity of a lifetime. This door opened wide and it is my time to go through it. God has given me a chance to go to the ends of the earth with a short term mission team from Buffalo New York. Our destination is the country of Zambia in Southern Africa. This country is about the size of the state of Texas.


            We have been invited to share in the ministry of International Mission Board missionaries, Troy and Tracy Lewis. Our work will include prayer walking, discipleship development, training and ministry to those affected by HIV and AIDS. Our two weeks in this part of the world will be filled with opportunities to share God’s love. We pray for the chance to share the gospel and see many Zambians come to our Lord.

Pastor Bill Smith

Posted via email from williamhsmith's posterous